On Thursday we headed down to the river again where it was, as usual, very crowded.
Crowded As Usual
We checked out a few places for lunch but they were either too crowded or did not look all that appealing. We really liked the rabbit place so we headed back there. This time we got a spot outside in their little garden area.
Outdoor Dining
Intimate Seating
I started out with a refreshing gaspacho to go with my beer.
Cold Tomato Soup
And I had something a bit more traditional this time, just a plain old rabbit stew.
A Typical Easter Dish
The Mysterious Chinese Woman opted for the boulibasse, and I must admit, it looked mighty good.
Big Chunks Of Fish
To give you an idea of how much we like this place, we made dinner reservations for Monday night. They have a rabbit and duck dinner for two that we are eager to try, so I am looking forward to that.
Quebec City is having their annual Quebec Days celebration. This is a week-long event and features people dressed up in period costumes, from the 1700s, I would guess, and interacting with the crowds in-character. Their are also demonstrations of how people lived back in the day so it is pretty interesting.
I asked this guy if he knew his dog was dead.
Poor Fido
Actually, you cannot see it too well, he had a dead fox draped over his shoulder, which is what provoked my comment. He just smiled and patted it on the head and told it not to listen to me.
A Weaving Demonstration, Or Something
This was a military band playing in front of another wall with a Trompe L'Oeil painting set in the same period. It made for a nice affect.
And The Band Played On
Passing by that same little park on the way home another entertainer was plying his trade.
Round And Round I Go
These street entertainers must audition or something because they are all very, very good. Much better than what you usually see.
We just stopped and picked up some bread, wine, cheese, and pate for a bit of a in-room dinner again.
Home Cooking, Kind Of
The Mysterious Chinese Woman said the pictures of what we eat in our hotel room are getting boring so that is the last one you will see. Unless we eat something very large or very interesting.
I am not sure what all we did the next day. Must have been kind of a lazy morning because my first picture is of where we went for lunch. Oh yeah, now I remember. The Mysterious Chinese Woman said she found another restaurant row so we walked up and down and then settled on this place on a side-street.
Forgot The Name
I will have to look for the place again and get the name because it really was a very nice restaurant with excellent service. So far the service has been very good and very friendly everywhere we have gone.
The had a nice menu that started out with your choice of a salad or a soup. The soup of the day was a creamy leek soup which we both ordered, and it was very good indeed.
The Mysterious Chinese Woman Leeking
The Mysterious Chinese Woman ordered a roasted pork dish and really liked the potatoes, heavy with butter and cream.
Potatoes And Pork, And Veggies Too
I opted for a steak done in a red wine and shallot sauce. It also came with the potatoes and veggies and was very tasty.
Same As Above But With Steak
The meal also came with your selection of desserts and coffee or tea, and who can resist a free desert. The Mysterious Chinese Woman had a creamy cake of some kind and I had the flan with a carmel sauce topping.
After our meal I headed upstairs to use the restroom and saw they had some nice little dining rooms up there for private parties.
A Good Place For A Get-Together
Could not miss this guy tucked in an alley-way. I could not help but think of a Jamaican Silver-Surfer.
Riding The Waves
And, again, on the way home, another entertainer.
Playing With Fire
Later that evening we went to see a large installation displayed on a bank of grain elevators. This was the one we went to see the other night, but it was not showing that night. It is a series of images, some still and some moving, depicting the development of Quebec City from back when only native North Americans lived in the area up until the modern day. It was really quite good and will be playing here for five years, so you have plenty of time to see it.
Unfortunately, with the camera that I have, I was not able to get a real good picture.
This Will Have To Do
The project was put together by Robert Lepage and his idea was to share the story of Québec City, which he calls "the best kept secret in North America" with the world. He wanted everyone to remember the different views of the city, the people who built it and the challenges of building the city while keeping its culture and heritage. And he did this over almost a half a mile stretch of silos. Quite impressive, especially when you consider the display stretches for four-tenths of a mile.
Well, I was going to try to catch up on my posts all the way to today, but I think this is enough for now. And I am sure this is about as long of a post as most people want to read. It is going to be a kind of lazy Sunday, I think, so maybe I can catch up on Monday morning if we do not do to much. We shall see.
1 comment:
what is the name of the rabbit place?
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