The home Jets game before Thanksgiving is always a special tailgating party because we have our Thanksgiving celebration in the parking lot. Turkey and all of the trimmings. But first, a nostalgic look at where we once held our tailgate festivities. Parking Area 3B, now but a distant memory with only the sign to remember it by.
To Be, but not 3B
And one last time, for the memories.
Ready For Your Close-up?
Although we got to the parking lot fairly early for a 4:00 P.M. game, somewhere around 11:00 A.M., to our distress we already found the enemy setting up camp.
An Enemy Incursion
It wouldn't surprise me if there were more Steelers fans at the game than Jets fans. Maybe it just looked that way because of their bizarre outfits. With their yellow and black colors they look like a big swarm of bumblebees.
But, we are a friendly bunch so we even allowed a few of them to join us for our feast.
Allen and Bar Man
We moved quickly to establish our bulkhead though lest we be completely overrun by our adversaries from the Iron City.
Setting Up Camp
Shortly after our arrival some allies showed up and we were able to expand our fortifications to further ensure our safety.
Expanding Our Territory
Loretta was fashionably dressed for the somewhat chilly weather.
Fashionable Loretta
But, alas, she didn't dress warmly enough so we were put to work enclosing our tent to protect us from the elements.
Adding The Walls
Once the walls were up it did provide a comfortable place for the women-folk to strategize and solve the problems of the world.
Lorreta and Mysterious Chinese Woman Plan Their Move
Whatever it was they were talking about it seemed to result in the need for Loretta to modify her outfit by layering up a bit.
Another Layer To Loretta
And finally the feast began. We started out with grilled sausage appetizers to nibble on while the table was being set up.
Sizzling Sausages
But, as you might expect, the main attraction was the turkey served with all of the trimmings.
The Bird
Although everyone contributes to the feast, the bird is traditionally prepared by the Lovely Loretta and her Adorable Husband Bob.
Loretta, Bob, and The Bird
For trimmings we had turkey dressing, corn pudding, sweet potatoes with rum soaked raisins, homemade biscuits, homemade pumpkin pies, and loads more. It truly was a Thanksgiving feast and people were more than eager to get their hands on it.
Step Right Up
And everyone seemed to enjoy the meal.
Bernie Enjoying His Turkey
It seemed as though the Mysterious Chinese Woman and the Lovely Loretta were concerned that someone was going to steal their meal.
Hey, Back Away
After putting in a lot of hard work, Bob and Loretta were finally able to relax with a cup of coffee, or something.
That Quiet Moment
When it was all over we all headed into the game. On the way I heard someone shout "Hey, Bar Man." To my surprise someone had recognized me from this blog and called me over to chat. Given how bundled up I was I found it amazing that they knew who I was. They said they were big fans so we snapped pictures to remember the moment and promised to stay in touch for the rest of our lives.
Fans Scott and Dan with Bar Man
To make the day complete, the Jets actually won. And because we got the initial lead and lead throughout most of the game the buzzing bumblebees were mostly silent. Very gratifying indeed. And I was glad to see that none of the Jets fans wore anything as silly as that black and yellow garb.
Sensibly Dressed Jets Fan
It was a great day and a wonderful time was had by all. Except for those Steelers fans who had that long drive home during which to think about what they had just witnessed. A loss to the lowly Jets.
And, if I do not post again until after Thanksgiving, have a most enjoyable Turkey Day.