The day started out with mimosas and a bagel with lox and raw onions. One of my favorites and the bagel shop just down the block and across the street from me makes some of the best.
Then later, after boring the Mysterious Chinese Woman to tears by playing about a hundred birthday related songs (thank you Rhapsody) we headed out to lunch at the Mesa Grill in Manhattan. Quite a bit smaller than the one in Las Vegas, but every bit as nice with friendly service to boot.
Mesa Grill
I started out with a Mescal Margrita at the bar. Not too bad, but a tad sweet for my taste. I would have asked the bartender to make it with just squeezed lime juice instead of the mixture that they use, but she was really busy. I just didn't feel like it would be appropriate, although I am sure she would have accomodated me. She was very friendly.
Me And My Margarita
After a short wait at the bar, which I quite enjoyed, we were seated at our table.
Beauty And The Beast
So Many Decisions
I have always liked the cowboy upholstery here. I wish I could buy a couch like this. The Mysterious Chinese Woman, on the other hand, didn't share this opinion.
I chatted a bit with the new manager here, Claudia. She hadn't been to the Las Vegas restaurant yet, but I think she said she was slated for a visit.
Bar Man And Claudia
The Mysterious Chinese Woman settled on the Red Snapper Filet done up in Bobby Flay's typical Southwestern style.
Looks Yummy
And the Mysterious Chinese Woman assured me that it was every bit as good as it looked.
Me, there was no question. I went for the rib eye.
In All Its Glory
About To Dig In
The steak was every bit as good as the one I had in Vegas. This time I ordered it medium instead of medium rare and it was done to perfection. Now I will have to say that the steak in Vegas was larger, but the one here was more than I could eat, so size wasn't really the issue.
After our meal we went back to the bar to have one for the road. The couple who was sitting next to us while we ate and who were very friendly stopped at the bar as well and bought me a birthday drink. That was nice of them.
The bartender, Susan, finally had time to pose for a picture. I have to say, she was one of the most efficient bartenders I have ever seen. She kept everything humming and made all the drinks for the bar as well as for the entire restaurant. Plus, a few people were eating at the bar so she helped them with their selections and served up the food when it was ready. My hat is off to her.
Susan The Efficient
We then headed back to Brooklyn where we stopped into Pete's Waterfront Ale House for what turned out to be a few beers and a shot of Sam's Apple concoction. Goes down good on a chilly day and went down mighty fine even on a warm day like this one was.
Beer For My Men And Whiskey For The Horse
You know it is a special day when Gaid comes out from behind the bar to give you a hug.
Gaid And Bar Man
I think he really wanted to hug the Mysterious Chinese Woman
Plenty To Go Around
My friend Arden also stopped by to say hello. You may remember he is the one who had the photography exhibit at the art show in Red Hook.
Arden And Bar Man
Even Jim, the most excellent cook, popped out of his kitchen to say hello.
Jim Out Of His Lair
Quite frankly, my day should have ended at Pete's. But one thing Bar Man has little of is common sense. For some reason I decided it would be a mighty fine idea to end my day with a beer and a shot at one of the best dive bars in Brooklyn. Although, truth be known, it really isn't that much of a dive bar anymore. Oh, the bar is the same, it is the patrons who have changed. I think shutting down the Brooklyn House Of Detention may have cut into their business a bit. And with the no smoking laws even dive bars seem more upscale somehow. No kids in this one, yet.
Montero Beckons
I think I was finally starting to feel the effects of my rather long day. The guy just behind me was in Pete's while I was there and after chatting a bit I convinced him that he too should experience Montero.
Bar Man On His Last Legs
Somehow the Mysterious Chinese Woman seemed to be holding up much better than me.
Eternally Perky
And, finally, it was time to wend our way home. Where did the day go?
Holiday Spirits Abound
All in all it was a mighty fine day. And there was still a bit of Cavas Hill Cava left over in the refrigerator so I could kind of continue my celebration this morning.
Oh, and both the Knicks and the Nets won yesterday. The odds of that happening are pretty remote. Especially since the Knicks were playing a decent team, the Atlanta Hawks, and the Nets hadn't won a game all year.