Most people after not seeing you for a year ask "How are you?" or "How was your year?" something like that. Frank, however, just wanted to know why I hadn't put his picture up on my website. I have to admit, it was an oversight. The Mysterious Chinese Woman and I went to dinner with Frank and his lovely wife Carol and pictures were, indeed taken. Why they never made it to my website I just don't know. Maybe I was trying to spare you from this:
Somehow I don't think posting this will placate him too much and it is a bit unfair. He is much, well okay, a little better looking than that picture would lead you to believe. Here is a picture even he might approve of.
Frank And His Lovely Wife Carol
These pictures were taken at a great Cuban restaurant right across the street from the malecon and you can look out over the bay as you eat. The food is fantastic too with pork dishes being their specialty. I will certainly be visiting again this year and will post more pictures when I do. I have already taken some pictures this visit and will be posting them soon, maybe tomorrow.
Here is one last picture of us all enjoying ourselves last year.
Bar Man, Chris, Mysterious Chinese Woman, Carol, and Frank
Oh, I will also be sure to let you know if Frank is still my friend after he sees this post.