Just quickly taking stock, I have two frozen meals of pea soup, probably two of chili, one steak, one chicken leg and thigh, another package or two of pork, and that fairly good sized roast that I will cook tomorrow. I also have at least half a dozen eggs, eight packages of oatmeal (two make a serving) half a loaf of bread, three quarters of a jar of peanut butter, more rice than I could eat in another month, half a package of spaghetti, lot's of beans, six oranges, a can of crushed tomatoes and a can of tomato puree. Also another six servings of mixed vegetables. Oh yeah, another package of frozen spinach, almost half a bag of broccoli, and a fair number of increasingly hairy and flexible carrots.
And that is after what today's meals. As I am sure you have noticed, I haven't exactly been starving myself, and today was no exception.
You may recall that I had a decent-sized piece of steak left over from last night's dinner, so I had that with breakfast.
My Breakfast Ingredients
I didn't do anything too fancy, just sliced the steak fairly thin and then put it into a frying pan with a bit of olive oil and a couple of eggs.
Step One
Next I used a trick my dad taught me. Throw in a little water and then put a cover over the pan. This steams the eggs and cooks the top so you don't have to flip them. You just want to cook them until the tops of the yolks turn pink. This is easy if you have glass cover for the pan. Trickier if you don't, and I don't.
Pretty Good Timing, Though
Dished up with some salt and pepper on the eggs and you have a breakfast fit for a king.
A Bar Manly Breakfast
Just the standard peanut butter and banana sandwich for lunch with an orange thrown in to get my vitamin C.
A Quick And Dirty, But Oh So Tasty Lunch
I had one frozen package of pork thawing in the refrigerator and I had to decide what to do with it. Pork with rice and beans didn't really float my boat so I decided to make spaghetti sauce with it.
The Raw Material, Only Not Really Raw
I wanted this to be kind of like a meat sauce, but not have big chunks of meat in it.
Thinly Sliced With My Trusty Blade
First step was to fry up the pork in a little olive oil. And please, no Popeye jokes about putting the pork into Olive Oyl. As an aside, Shelley Duvall is one of my favorite actresses.
Oh, and another bit of Popeye, or Betty Boop, related trivia. Did you know that Betty Boop and Popeye appeared together in a 1933 cartoon? Betty Boop is a hula dancer at a carnival sideshow. Olive Oyl and Brutus are in it as well. Not that this has anything to do with anything. Bar Man's mind wanders a bit at times.
No Brutus, Or Betty, In Sight
Of course, I had to add my two favorite ingredients, onion and garlic.
No Meal Is Complete Without It
Diced And Sliced
The Pork Nice And Crispy
And, after the pork was nice and crispy I threw in the onion and garlic, turned the flame down low and let it simmer until everything was translucent. Well, everything except the pork.
Crispy And Soft
Time to open another can of chopped tomatoes. Cento means hundred in Italian, but I am sure there aren't a hundred tomatoes in here.
What Does The Cento Mean?
After the onions and garlic were done I moved them from the frying pan into a pot.
Out Of The Frying Pan Into The..., Wait, That Isn't Right
Then I added the crushed tomatoes and a heaping tablespoon of mustard to give it some kick and a healthy dollop of chili powder, plus some salt.
The Not So Secret Ingredients
I added a cup of water to thin it out a bit and then just let the whole thing simmer for about half an hour.
Thinned Out And About To Simmer
While it was simmering away I broke out a serving of mixed vegetables and plunked them into a little pot to simmer for about ten minutes while I made some pasta. When everything was ready I put it on a plate and had a very filling dinner.
A Saturday Night Special
I had more spaghetti than I could eat so I put some of it away and will have it for lunch tomorrow. I just want a small lunch because I will probably have a good-sized dinner when the roast is done. At least I will have a good sized helping of meat.
Tomorrow's Lunch
And, I had enough spaghetti sauce left to use for something. Maybe an egg dish or over rice. Can't just put it over spaghetti, that would be too predictable.
I Will Think Of Something
I watched the movie 'Saving Grace' tonight and it was pretty funny. There was one part that bothered me because it wasn't realistic. Not that the rest of the film was either. Anyway, at one point two elderly ladies stumble into Grace's greenhouse where she is growing marijuana. They are told it is tea so one of the ladies takes a few of the leaves, not even the buds, and makes tea out of it, brewing it just like you would brew a regular pot of tea. They then get totally wasted and are still buzzed and laughing the next day. I just don't think that would happen.
But, it is a pretty funny movie, and I recommend it. I got it from Netflix.