Well, I never got the ribs. It wasn't because they didn't have any though, they are always on the menu. It was simply that I was too intrigued with the evening's specials.
The Specials
As I said, they always have ribs, but how could you pass up something like Grilled Caribbean Pork Loin with a Ginger and Guava Glaze? Well, I couldn't.
Bar Man Tucking In
And, as you might expect, it was absolutely delicious. They also have some of the best coleslaw I have ever had. I think it has a touch of horseradish in it to give it a nice bite. And they serve you a decent sized portion too, not one of those little paper cups like you usually get.
The Mysterious Chinese Woman, who also likes ribs, couldn't pass on the BBQ Duckling with a Cajun Bacon Pecan BBQ Sauce.
Mysterious Chinese Woman Ducking In
She said it might have been the best duck she has ever had. Now that is saying something, especially because I pride myself on my own smoked duck. Even I couldn't really argue though.
Of course we washed everything down with a selection of beers, something else Pete's is good for.
I started out with a Southern Tier Hop Sun Wheat Beer. If you have ever had any preconceptions of what a wheat beer tastes like, this one will forever change them. If you didn't know it was a wheat beer you would probably think was an IPA. It is very flavorful. It has just a hint of wheat to it and a bit of citrus. What really comes through is the hops though. And not just the bitterness, the aroma and taste is very distinctly that of fresh hops. This is a beer I could easily drink all night long. Hell, I could drink it all morning long too.
But, inveterate seeker after the new that I am, I moved along to a Chelsea N.Y. Rye IPA. The Chelsea brewery is a great favorite of mine. They are located on the west side of downtown Manhattan and have a nice bar and restaurant right next door. It is on the Hudson River so you have a nice view and can daydream about owning one of the yachts parked outside.
Back to the beer though. It had a nice orangish color and the white head made it a very pretty drink indeed. After the Hop Sun it tasted a bit washed out, but that was probably only in comparison. The Mysterious Chinese Woman said it was a bit too hoppy for her. A bit of sweetness comes through and just a hint, perhaps, of rye. Another nice session beer.
I decided I wanted something with a bit heavier to go with my meal though so I ordered an Avery Ellie's Brown Ale. Not much hops in this one. In fact it was a bit on the sweet side with a hint of smoke. Perfect accompaniment to the meal. I wouldn't sit around and drink this all night, but it did hit the spot. Bring a six-pack to your next barbecue.