Scenes From The Bridge
But, as is often the case, serenity doesn't last. Over breakfast I mentioned the recent craze involving mentos and diet cola. Surprisingly enough, this was not common knowledge amongst my companions so, of course, we had to buy a couple bottles of Diet Coke and try it out for ourselves.
Our first attempts, using one liter bottles, did not produce the spectacular results that we had hoped for.
Steven Dropping A Load
Less Than Spectacular Results
Not to be deterred, we decided to restock our supplies and use the larger two liter bottles.
The Gang Gathering
As is natural for a group such as this, we chose the youngest member be our volunteer for the new attempts.
Andy Decked Out For Duty
Our first attempt started slowly enough.
Slow Start
However, we hadn't counted on Andy's conjuring skills.
Andy Doing His Stuff
The final results were most gratifying indeed.
Lift Off
Of course we weren't satisfied with doing this just once so we had to try it out with Diet Pepsi too, and that worked just as well if not better. We also captured the often talked about, but seldom seen, double.
The Elusive Double Geyser
Finally, exhausted from our efforts, we were able to retire for our cake and to continue to celebrate Shirley's birthday.
Happy Birthday Shirley
I also tried it in my garden .My record is 2 meters ..
photos are well. and nature is wonderful
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