We started the day out there because we could combine our morning eye-opener with breakfast. And I mean really combine them.
Breakfast In A Bloody Mary
They serve these with a little beer on the side and it is a great way to start the day.
Sandy, Rico, and Bar Man At Breakfast
We finished up at Floyd's with just enough time to make it to Rico's American Legion Club for a fun filled afternoon of bingo.
Not Quite Seminole Bingo
I was feeling really optimistic about cleaning up at bingo because I got my first drink for free. If the last number of you American Legion membership matched the one they had posted you were a winner.
Sipping My Spoils
You can see that we were well spread out so we had plenty of room for our bingo cards.
Ready To Play
I haven't played bingo in a long time and the game has changed a bit. I remember when you used to get sturdy cardboard cards that you kept throughout the night and used dry corn kernels to mark your numbers. Now they pass out separate cards for each game and they are on paper. You use inkers to mark your number. Most people just use a single marker for each game so they were a bit amused when I marked my cards in multiple colors.
Although none of us won a damn thing, Sandy sure looked like she did.
Bingo, Not
Well, it was disappointing that nobody won anything, but we decided to try our luck elsewhere. Another American Legion Club was having their afternoon meat raffle.
The Fun Never Ends
Meat raffles are very popular in the Midwest and the women who run them become minor celebrities. Well, winters are long and cold in these parts.
Trying Our Luck
The concept is pretty simple, the meat raffle woman goes around and sells number which you draw out of a box. Then a wheel is spun and the person who holds the number that comes up wins... MEAT. Why this is so popular is anyone's guess but people who win actually run around holding their packages of pork chops.
Our luck was no better here though and, again, we left empty handed. At least Rico managed to get his hands on the meat raffle lady.
Rico Won The Booby Prize
It was another fun filled day, even though nobody won a thing. Worn out by the excitement we headed back to Rico and Sandy's where we had smoked brisket sandwiches for supper and a relatively early night.
Hi all, I have had several people advise me that they have been invited to play bingo. Can anyone help me make it stop? How do I get bingo stopped being sent to people in my address book? And Can I play bingo in a bar in Ohio if all the money is donated to charity? The bar is in Hamilton county in Cincinnati I want to donate the money to AVOC or Cincinnati Gay Pride Parade.
Bingo Live Game
The Dark Stranger walked into the legion that day,
"Under B 14" was all he would say,it was Bingo.... Bingoooooo
A lucky dot marker was in his grip, pulled from a holster on his hip, he was Bingo.... Bingooooo
The room grew quiet and people stared. everyone knew that this man cared about Bingo... Bingooooo
The calls were made as each ball fell, the stranger soon muttered "what the hell?"
He came there desperate to play real hard, but he'd been dealt an unlucky card. Poor Bingo.... Bingooo
Tears in his eyes, sweat on his brow, confused he didn't know just how, a little old lady had beat his game. She yelled "Bingo" life won't be the same. Poor Bingo... Bingoooo
He tossed his card down to the floor, head hung low stormed out the door.
The dark stranger lost big and he learned that,
You can't beat an old lady in a purple hat
Poor Bingoo Bingoooo
that is exactly what a bloody mary should look like! thanks for sharing all the picures with all of us!
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