It was going to be a somewhat classy affair and my Mother-In-Law said jacket and tie was required. I am not sure if this is what she had in mind, but she seemed happy enough when I showed up. I think I look kind of like Jack Nicholson, only when he was a bit younger and not quite as well-jowled as he is now.
Ready For My Close-Up
My Uncle seemed quite pleased with his party and, in my opinion, looked great for his age. I can only hope that I hold up as well.
Mother-In-Law, Uncle, and Auntie
The Mysterious Chinese Woman was there, of course, and she was looking might spiffy herself.
Spiffy Mysterious Chinese Woman
Of course my brother-in-law Jim was there as well, and you can pretty much tell that he, as usual, is up to no good.
About To Work The Crowd
Well, if you know anything about the Chinese, they love a good party. And a good party means good food. And plenty of it. Needless to say this would be no exception.
The first serving was crispy pork, and you can see that you need to be fast.
Delicious Crispy Pork
This was followed up by shark-fin soup.
The Soup
Of course crispy chicken is a must, and this was served with those puffy rice potato chip things that always show up. Some people seem to like them but I think they would be more suitable for packing material. The chicken was excellent though.
Chicken And Packing Material
Lobster is a requirement for any Chinese birthday. No matter what else you have, you must have lobster.
Red Lobster, But Not At Red Lobster
In true Chinese tradition, all fowl and, of course, the lobster is served with the head. This also is considered good luck and a must do.
Here's Looking At You
Next up was a crispy fish, well presented and most tasty.
Crispy Fish
And, of course, no Chinese feast would be complete without rice. Also, noodles are traditionally served at birthdays because they are long and therefore portend a long life.
Rice And Noodles
Finally, as the feast began to draw to an end we had little cakes and oranges for dessert. The oranges are also traditional and few meals end without them.
Cakes And Oranges
But those weren't Uncle's cakes. He got a special one which he generously shared with one and all.
Uncle's Cake
Everyone had a great time and, I believe, plenty to eat. If they didn't get plenty to eat it was only because they weren't quick enough.
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