Sunday, February 21, 2010

Just Wondering

Do you think watching the Spanish language version of Santo vs. the Vampire Women is the intellectual equivalent of reading the original Greek version of Homer's The Iliad?

This evening I am going to take advantage of a slow day and upload a bunch of pictures I have taken recently. Then I can post about some of the stuff I have been doing instead of these relatively boring blurbs with no pictures.

By the way, in my previous post when I said it was a beautiful day, by mid-afternoon there were whitecaps on the Banderas Bay and we had a truly torrential downpour. Nobody I talked to, including a few who live her year-round had ever before seen whitecaps on the bay during this time of the year.

My friend Lewie had a patio door slam on his hand while he was trying to shut it during one of our stormy nights. He broke six bones and now has it in a cast with all kinds of pins in it. Pretty painful, but the doctor did say he would regain full use of it. Kind of a bummer way to be spending your vacation though, in and out of the hospital and in a fair amount of pain.

The weather system does seem to have broken, though, and the last few days really have been lovely.

In the small world department, I met a guy who is staying here who retired from teaching high school at the same one that I graduated from in Minneapolis, Patrick Henry. He started teaching after I left, but we knew a lot of the same teachers.

Great headline on - "The Dalai Lama Has Some Advice For Tiger Woods" All I can think of is What, he told him to keep his head down and his shoulders aligned with the pin?

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